天猫情侣衫 英语还有情侣衫高级感

本篇文章给大家谈谈情侣衫 英语,以及情侣衫高级感的知识点,希望对各位有所帮助,不要忘了收藏本站喔。



jellaba, djellaba, jelab 带风帽的外衣 cardigan 开襟毛衣 mac, mackintosh, raincoat 橡胶雨衣 trousers 裤子 jeans 牛仔裤 short trousers 短裤 knickers 儿童灯笼短裤 knickerbockers 灯笼裤 plus fours 高尔夫球裤,半长裤 braces 裤子背带 (美作:suspenders) turnup 裤角折边,挽脚 breeches 马裤 belt 裤带 skirt 裙子 divided skirt, split skirt 裙裤 underskirt 内衣 underwear, underclothes 内衣裤 underpants, pants 内衣裤 (美作:shorts) briefs 短内裤,三角裤 panties 女短内裤 knickers 女半短内裤,男用灯笼短裤 brassiere, bra 乳罩 corselet 紧身胸衣 stays, corset 束腰,胸衣 waistcoat 背心 slip, petticoat 衬裙 girdle 腰带 stockings 长袜 suspenders 袜带 (美作:garters) suspender belt 吊袜腰带 (美作:garter belt) socks 短袜 tights, leotard 紧身衣裤 handkerchief 手帕 bathing trunks 游泳裤 bathing costume, swimsuit, bathing suit 游泳衣 bikini 比基尼泳衣 apron 围裙 pinafore (带护胸)围裙 overcoat 男式大衣 coat 女大衣 topcoat 夹大衣 fur coat 皮大衣 three-quarter coat 中长大衣 dust coat 风衣 mantle, cloak 斗篷 poncho 篷却(南美人的一种斗篷) sheepskin jacket 羊皮夹克 pelisse 皮上衣 jacket 短外衣夹克 anorak, duffel coat 带兜帽的夹克,带风帽的粗呢大衣 hood 风帽 scarf, muffler 围巾 shawl 大披巾 knitted shawl 头巾,编织的头巾 fur stole 毛皮长围巾 muff 皮手筒 housecoat, dressing gown 晨衣 (美作:duster) short dressing gown 短晨衣 bathrobe 浴衣 nightgown, nightdress 女睡衣 pyjamas 睡衣裤 (美作:pajamas) pocket 衣袋 lapel (上衣)翻领 detachable collar 假领,活领 wing collar 硬翻领,上浆翻领 V-neck V型领 sleeve 袖子 cuff 袖口 buttonhole 钮扣孔 shirt 衬衫 blouse 紧身女衫 T-shirt 短袖圆领衫,体恤衫 vest 汗衫 (美作:undershirt) polo shirt 球衣 middy blouse 水手衫 sweater 运动衫 short-sleeved sweater 短袖运动衫 roll-neck sweater 高翻领运动衫 round-neck sweater 圆领运动衫 suit, outfit, ensemble 套服 twinset 两件套,运动衫裤 jerkin 猎装 kimono 和服 ulster 一种长而宽松的外套






高级时装的表达就是源自法语:haute conture

巴黎时装的表达则为:Paris mode



工艺服装 craft dress

钩编服装 crochet wear;crocheted dress

抽纱服装 drawnwork garments

绣花服装 embroidered dress

珠绣服装 embroidered dress with paillettes and beads;beaded embroidery garments


真丝手绘服装 hand painting silk clothing

扎染服装 tie-dyed clothing

迷彩装 camouflage clothes;motley


motley adj复杂的;杂色的;五颜六色的 n.小丑

嫁衣 trousseau 也可以翻译为嫁妆


奇装异服 fanciful clothes;weird dress;bizarre dress 英[bɪˈzɑ:(r)]

个性服装 individual clothing

应时服装 occasional wear

二手服装 second hand clothes

乞丐装 ragged clothes

粗布衣 rough clothes

无构造服 unsuits

功能服装 functional clothing

保暖服 thermal insulation clothes

Insulation n.绝缘;隔声

轻便服装 lighting clothing

大众时装 street fashion;mass fashion

特大号型服装 outsize;oversize;plus clothing

特长服装 long-long dress

高腰装 high rise dress

天猫情侣装 lovers clothes

露背装 backless;bare-back dress

露脐装 bare midriff




520情侣装甜到你了么_ 520 Do you get couple clothing_


520 is approaching, and couples like to show off their love through couple clothing. However, please don’t think that couple clothing means two people wearing same clothes. The core of couple clothing is harmony and coordination, and if you can manage that well, the effect is 1+1 > 2.


Share with you a little anecdote. Once in subway, I saw two handsome guys together. Both of them looked fresh and cool, so I secretly gave them a few more quick glances, then I realized they were a couple ! Why was that?Because there were so many details in their clothes echoing each other,like one’s T-shirt was black while the other one’s was white, both were wearing stripped sweatpants, and one was wearing checkerboard patterned sneakers, while the other one was wearing white sneakers with checkerboard pattern decoration. I must say, they did look more eye-catching when they were together.


Not until now it dawns on me that those couples who can get 1+1 >2 effect from couple clothing must also be able to manage their relationship with a 1+1 > 2 effect,because that skill works in the same way.


So it is worth studying carefully how to dress well as a couple. If you can manage couple clothing well, then you can manage relationship well.


Let’s see how to look good in couple clothing.



Echo with color tone

最简单大方的就是同色系呼应。我们看过很多大人物在重要场合都会用领带颜色呼应太太服装的颜色,这是最简单的呼应。 情侣之间用一件单品呼应即可,千万别穿一样的哦。

The simplest way is matching color tone. It’s very commone to see politicians match their tie colors to their wives’ clothing on important occasions, that’s the easiest way for couple clothing. Echoing with one item is enough, please don’t wear same thing, it’s silly.



Echo with elements


There are thousands of fashion elements, so there is also a wide selection range for couple clothing. This adds more fun to it.



Echo with style


This is the most advanced couple clothing style. Not very straightforward and obvious, it’s just like echoing each other at a distance , with more space for imagination. Same as relationship, for two people, while each has his/her own world, they are a coordinated whole at the same time. This type of romantic relationship is the most advanced and the most interesting one.


Being attentive to couple clothing is being attentive to relationship, just like what was said in Suits about Mike and Rachel’s wedding. The attitude towards wedding is the attitude towards marriage, and people who are careless about wedding cannot take marriage seriously.


To manage your romantic relationship well , you can start with paying more attention to your couple clothing.